Turn your dog into a hunter and retriever with a hunting dog training collar

Turning your beloved dog into an alert and obedient hunting dog requires special training and if you have a special tool in the form of an electronic collar then you can truly turn your dog into a hunter and retriever with a hunting dog training collar. These training collars can be used in conjunction with matching verbal and visual commands to end up with a perfect hunting dog that will surely be a true asset on your hunting trip.

While it is quite easy to train your playful dog in your backyard, hunting in comparison, is serious business and it will certainly not help on a hunt if your dog does not obey your commands to sit still or runs around aimlessly instead of seeking out that juicy duck or fowl that you might have just shot down. A choke training collar is of no use when your dog is running freely in the woods and you will require the help of technology to teach your dog quickly on how to hunt and retrieve various animals or birds while responding to all your commands on a consistent basis. What you need is a remote electronic caller that can help you to control your hunting dog even when he or she is half a mile or even a mile away.

Such hunting dog collars for training are available on select websites and you can browse through various models before you choose a hunting dog training collar that suits your dog as well as allows you to provide the right commands at the click of the transmitter button. These training collars consist of a walkie-talkie type handheld transmitter that usually allows you to send electrical stimulation or even vibrations or beeps to your dog through an electronic receiver fitted on his or her collar. You can vary the strength of the signal with a rotating knob on the transmitter as well as go in for repeated stimulation or for short bursts, depending on the type of training that you want to impart to your dog.

Two manufacturers of dog training collars that stand out amongst the rest are dogtra and sportdog. You can visit select online stores to view the complete range of sportdog training collars and dogtra training collars that will help in training your hunting dog in a safe and humane manner. You should choose a waterproof training collar and transmitter as well as make sure that the collar sits snugly around the neck of your hunting dog. The hunting dog training collar that you choose should also possess minimum weight in relation to your dog so that he or she can bound with ease instead of getting tired by simply lugging the collar. You should also ensure that you use positive and negative reinforcements in a verbal and visual manner along with matching signals sent by your remote transmitter to ensure that your hunting dog is trained quickly and efficiently to help you out in actual hunts.

A hunting dog requires much higher levels of obedience and needs to identify various objects that need to be hunted or retrieved as compared to that friendly dog in a home. If you plan to train your dog in hunting and retrieving then you should certainly opt for the best electronic hunting dog training collar that money can buy to train and retain complete control over your hunting dog.